The concept of becoming servant leaders in the community was the central message of this year’s university-wide celebration of the Religious Affairs Week.
“The Youth: Servant Leaders for the New Evangelization” is this year’s theme. The activity also aimed to help realize the vision of USJ-R to be a premier Gospel Educational Institution by providing the Josenian Community an integral formation in Catholic doctrines (CRE), worship (CMO) and community service (INFECOP).
The week-long activity commenced on July 9 at the Main Campus with an opening mass presided by Rev. Fr. Arian Josef F. Ocheda, OAR at the Main Quadrangle followed by the opening of the exhibits at the Main Lobby.
Meanwhile, the USJ-R Basak Campus started their celebration of the Religious Affairs Week on July 6.
A variety of activities has been prepared to help Josenians respond genuinely to their calling especially in becoming servant leaders and to give them a deeper understanding of their faith.
Dr. Jojit Foronda, Chairman of the Center for Religious Education(CRE), highlighted the importance of the Bible Enthronement and the Scapular Investiture to the students enrolled in their respective Religious Education (ReEd) classes.
Students gather at the Center for Performing Arts for the Scapular Investiture.
“The Bible Enthronement and the Scapular Investiture are our ways of helping the students discover more of the deepest truths about themselves,” he said.
According to Foronda, the students were thankful that they were able to experience and participate in the activities provided.
The Bible Enthronement took place on the afternoon of July 9 at the Center for Performing Arts. Meanwhile, the students had their Scapular Investiture at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish on July 10.
Praise Jam. Students from different colleges gather for the praise and worship.
Aside from the students, the Women who are behind bars also had their Scapular Investiture on July 12 with a mass presided by Rev. Fr. Rouel M. Sia, OAR at the Cebu City Jail Female Dormitory.
The following day, a Praise Jam was held at the Main Lobby on the night of July 11 which gathered students from different colleges.
On July 13, the last day of the week-long activity, the Institute of Non-Formal Education and Community Outreach Program (INFECOP), organized the Lamesa ni San Jose.
Lamesa ni San Jose. The INFECOP office spearheaded the food-sharing program.
It is a food-sharing program intended for the homeless children and adults living proximate to the location of the university.
The activities provided by the different offices involved had been actively participated in by the students.
Exhibit at the Main Lobby featuring the outputs of the students and the works of some of the faculty.
Meanwhile, the outputs of the students and the works of some faculty were exhibited at the main lobby to showcase their talents and skills.
A week prior to the event, an information drive was done from classroom to classroom to raise awareness on what the Religious Affairs week is about.
Written by Julie Ann Salmeron (Communication Intern)
We envision the University of San Jose-Recoletos to be a premier Gospel and Community-oriented educational institution committed to lead in instruction, research, community engagement, and innovation in order to transform Josenians into proactive and compassionate leaders, creators of communion, and dynamic partners of society in the 21st Century.
University of San Jose - Recoletos
Year Founded 1947